Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Job

Crazy week...

I started my new job at Merit Association Services on Monday. For those of you who don't know, I am working full-time as administrative support for the MAS executive team.

I am loving it. The people and atmosphere are great!

Monday was my first day and in typical Johnson fashion I woke up with a full blooming cold. Not a good way to start my first day, but I made it through. I ran on pure adrenaline all day and literally crashed when I got home; I was asleep by 8:00pm.

Tuesday morning was one of those mornings when you ask god "REALLY"? My cold was worse; runny nose like a faucet, Daniel woke up sick(coughing, stuffy nose)he ended up staying home from school, and we had pee leaking out of our kitchen ceiling. Yup, you heard me correctly. Yellow water leaking out of the molding around the spice cabinet. Now that I am a working woman I kissed Gary goodbye and said "Have a good day". Ha

Wednesday feeling a little better and we got good news on the leaky pee pee ceiling. It turns out the seal around our master bathroom toilet had corroded and was leaking down into the space between the floor of the bathroom and the ceiling of the kitchen. It was an easy fix and we didn't end up having to claim it on our insurance. Hooray.

Thursday; I have almost made it through the whole week! Still loving the job and looking forward to going in tomorrow. I am starting to feel better so I am not quite as exhausted tonight. Gary on the other hand is looking downright frazzled. He has been picking up all the slack this week; cooking meals, taking care of sick kids(me and Daniel), attending to plumbing issues, carpooling...I am going to start calling him Mr. Mom.

I will try to write more this weekend and give you details of the office and my coworkers.
Night Night!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Busy Week

Where has the time gone? One minute I am attempting 500 steps(and failing miserably) and the next I am sprinting through my week.

I started the week with a speech evaluation at a private speech pathologist for Daniel and a podiatrist appointment for Zachary, both on the same day.

Daniel's appointment confirmed the longtime diagnosis of Apraxia of speech and gave us some good insight into the supplemental speech therapy he could benefit from. I will save the details for a longer, in depth post sometime in the future.

I will also spare you the gruesome details of Zack's visit to the podiatrist. He had a growth on his toe that had to be removed. Just know that I am a very proud mother; I have a very brave BIG boy. If I was in his "shoes" I would be crying like a little baby. In fact, I might have shed a tear while holding his hand.(If asked, I will deny it)

On Wednesday, I had an interview with Merit Property Management, their MAS division. I thought the interview went well; it seemed like a very good fit for me. So, I waited, and waited, to hear back from them....

Back to the doctor with Zack on Thursday. The toe did not look like it was healing well and it was painful to walk on. The Doc thought it looked good. If he thinks that looks good... (It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine and Jerry see their friend's hideous baby and everyone else thinks it is gorgeous)

Here is Kramer's reaction to seeing the baby... (very similar to my reaction when I first saw Zack's post-surgery toe)(wait for it)

Anyway, we go back next Tuesday for another check of the toe.

Which brings me to Friday. I planned on doing laundry, cleaning house, maybe catching up on some DVRd shows...and then I got the call....

I am really excited to announce that I was offered the position at MAS! (and I am going to accept it!) I did a little dance (Addy thought I was crazy), made some calls and began freak out mode.

Life is about to change for the Johnson a good way.

I can't wait to share this new beginning with you.

Have a nice weekend.