Monday, September 27, 2010

500 Steps

One of my favorite shows is The Biggest Loser. The season opener was on last week.

In the opener, contestants were challenged to compete against two other contestants to make it to the ranch; their spot at the ranch had not yet been secured. Their challenge was this: using a step board take 500 steps faster than the other two contestants.

It does seem like a pretty easy task, especially when you are sitting on the couch eating an ice cream cone; no bother that the contestants are drowning in their own sweat...what's the big deal? 500 steps...piece of cake. Oh yum, cake...

I decided I MUST take this challenge! If 400 pound people can haul their weight off the ground mere inches, so can I!

100 steps in 4 minutes that equals about 2.4 seconds a step, a step is measured by BOTH feet up on the board...that was as far as I made it today.

Did I mention I hate to sweat? AND I don't buy into the whole "No Pain No Gain" mantra? My knees were hurting :(

OK, I do feel bad that I stopped without completing the challenge, so I will try it again tomorrow, with plenty of stretching before hand!

Good thing I have "skinny" genes! Thanks Mom and Dad, you're the best!

Can you put down that ice cream cone and take 500 steps?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Mother's Proud Moment

My boys are the light of my life. There are moments that I look at them with awe and think you have raised two intelligent, well-mannered, handsome young boys;

then, there are moments like today...

Daniel had a Doctors visit to discuss some issues he has been having.
The Doctor looks at his chart and says, "Daniel what grade are you in now?"
Daniel says, "4th".
The Doctor says, "My son is going to be in 4th grade next year, what can I tell him you do in 4th grade?
Daniel says, "stuff". (he is so descriptive!)
The Doctor says, "What kind of stuff do you do?" (The Dr is being very light hearted about his first answer, I am holding my breath)
Daniel says, "fun stuff". (The Doctor laughs it off, he is a good man)

This is the moment I am referring to:

The one where your gifted child comes across mentally challenged. Good thing he is so darn cute!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scared of Bees

Last month, while packing up after a delightfully relaxing day at the beach, I was stung by a bee.

The nasty little honey sucker landed on my arm and stung me. I had no idea he was even there until I felt the stinging pain. I quickly brushed him off, removed the stinger and licked my wound(just kidding). I did pour cold water over it to take the "sting" away. I paused just briefly, long enough to cry my eyes out. We finished packing up our things and headed for the car.
About 5 minutes had passed at this point. As I was walking, I started to feel woozy; nausea, dizzines, headache...I thought I was going to pass out. I sat down in the shade behind the lifeguard tower. I needed to pull myself together. My mind started racing...was I, in fact, going to pass out?, throw up?, stop breathing?...oh yes, I went there.
The feeling passed, so we began our trek up to the car.
By the next day the sting site had swollen up to the size of a golf ball. The day after that, the swelling had spread and I had little bumps all around it.
I went to the Dr. because I was sure they would have to amputate.
"That's nothing" the Dr. said, "you should have seen the patient who came in earlier today...his elbow was the size of a baseball". Was that supposed to make me feel better?
Diagonosis: Allegic reaction...It's a miracle...I would live!

Yes, I would live, but with a conditioned response to bee sightings. (PTSD, self diagnosed)
Now, when I see a bee, I run for the hills (imagine Phoebe from Friends, a run like that would surely scare the bee away).
I must find a way for myself and bees, everywhere, to coexist. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

4th Grade Homework

So, it has begun.

The 4th grade year is a rude awakening for students and parents EVERYWHERE! I went through it 4 years ago with my oldest son and last night was reminded of it when my youngest son was assigned homework in every subject. REALLY?!

I knew it was coming and yet it was still a shock to my system, and everyone else in the household.

I think it was around 6:00pm last night that we found ourselves in a pow wow discussing a 4th grade word problem. Now, I think of myself as a reasonably intelligent person (OK, exceptionally intelligent, but don't let the cat out of the bag); so, why is it that I can't for the life of me figure out a basic 4th grade division word problem?

I sat by my son's side in case he had questions on any of his homework. I answered all of his questions with the utmost of confidence. Then it was time for math...

He shows me the problem and I say, "Why don't we have Dad help you with your math". He replies, "so, you will help me with all my other subjects and since you aren't very good at math (the nerve) Dad will help me with math"? "NO", I say. "I can help you with math too, Dad just LIKES to help you with math" (lie, no one likes to do 4th grade math).

I've got my dunce hat on for at least another year; are you smarter than a 4th grader?

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Is there anything better than digging a hole at the beach; when you are a 9 year old boy?

Maybe, it's digging with friends...

OR...Letting the big kids do all the work and sneaking in when they aren't looking!

OR...taking a break in a tiny lounging hole.

OR...getting buried in a hole.

Actually, the only thing better than digging a hole, with my friends, is relaxing in it when I'm done!

Enjoy your Labor Day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cutting the Cord

There have been a series of events in the last few days that have left me wondering when is the right time to "cut the cord"?

I am guilty of it...I baby my boys. I do everything for them. Isn't that what a mother is supposed to do? Make their life easier and so comfortable they never want to leave home?

I should clarify a few things:

First, I don't run around with a pillow in front of them in case they fall (I bubble wrap the neighborhood); Second, I don't load their toothbrushes for them (I will on occasion brush their teeth if I see too much slime); Third, I don't do their homework for them (I have been know to pull out an awesome posterboard at midnight, and get an A)

So, what is my roll if I am not to make life easier?

Do I say anything when they come out of their room in a mis-matching plaid outfit?
Do I brush their hair for them when they decide to leave the house without even a thought of a comb or brush?
Do I cut their food for them when otherwise we will be sitting at the table for hours waiting for them to finish cutting their butter-soft filet?

Apparently, 13 is too late to cut the cord. Now I have a lot of make-up work to do. Beginning with how to apply sunscreen so as not to get a blistering burn. Did I mention I still apply sunscreen?

When do YOU think is the right time to "cut the cord"?